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The book is ready!

Créativité/Creativity Editions Fri, Montréal (Canada)

isbn: 978-0-9916850-4-2

The book:

A collection of texts in English and French exploring the theme of Creativity from diverse points of view.

The concept:

Artist and Editor Francoise Issaly has invited authors coming from different horizons, both geographically and professionally (artist, writer, dancer, jurist …) to express themselves on the notion of creativity.

The result is a series of texts, poem, and reflection, some deep, personal and other light and philosophical, each of them leading us to enlarge our vision of what we most often attribute to artists but is ruling our everyday lives.

Authors :

Eric Bolduc (Quebec), Gaëlle Campos Béragne (Quebec), Joëlle Circé (Quebec), Christine Comeau (Quebec), Cha Cha da Vinci (Quebec), Simon Duplessis (Quebec), Pamela Grau (USA), Pierre Issalys (Quebec), Kako (La Réunion), Emmanuel Laflamme (Quebec), Elvira Laskowski-Caujolle (USA), Jimmy Leslie (USA), Izabella Marengo (Quebec), David Merk (Quebec), Yemisi Oyeniyi (USA), Jon Shaw (Canada), Olivier Stroh (France), Michele Theberge (USA).

The Publisher :

Editions FrI is an independent publisher founded in 2009 by artist Françoise Issaly and focusing on the publication of limited edition artist books. During these past 6 years she has published about ten books, including several art catalogs.

The official book launch will be happening on Monday April 6th from 5:30 to 8:30 pm at librairie Le Port de Tête, 262, avenue Mont-Royal Est, Montréal H2T 1P5

You can confirm your presence on the FB event:

and register on EventBrite in order to have a chance to win one of the previous books published by Editions Fri (The event is free and open to all):

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