Commentary by humanists - Luo Qi by MArtin Bradley

Newly available Commentary by humanist (ISBN : 978-1988828077) by Martin Bradley in now available on Amazon.
You can buy it here or on any Amazon store around the world.
About the author: Martin Bradley is an author, columnist, art writer (Masters in Art History & Theory), art speaker and qualified curator (Masters in Gallery Studies) with over 30 years’ experience in the Asian art field. He is founding editor of The Blue Lotus magazine concerning Asian Art and Culture (2011 - present).
His last book concerned the Bangladesh artist (Dr. Professor) Farida Zaman (2019).
Martin is currently writing a book about ‘Modern and Contemporary’ Bangladesh artists.
His other books include Luo Qi Calligraphyism (China Academy of Art) 2017, The Journey
and Beyond (Caring Pharmacy, Malaysia) 2014, Uniquely Toro (Waters Publish House,
Philippines) 2013, A Story of Colors of Cambodia (Educare, Malaysia) 2012 and Buffalo &
Breadfruit (Monsoon, Singapore) 2012.
Martin has also had many articles and short stories published....